Vinita Voogd | collagraph printing with Chine Collé | September 17


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1 day workshop | Sunday September 17 | 2023 | 10.00 – 4.30 | 6 places only

£70 Full/Keyholder member  |£80 Ordinary Member | £90 Non-member

Bring along your 10cm x 10cm collagraph blocks and work with experienced artist, Vinita Voogd.

We will work towards a small finished edition using Chine Collé on good printing paper already cut to the right size.

Learn how to set up and present editioned work with a view to sell prints/ on our website/ enter for other competions.

These will then be eligible to be entered into the MiniPrint Exhibition at the Mission Gallery

There will be an opportunity for members to come to an open session where there will be some guidance on the making of the blocks.

Chine Collé is a technique that allows you to add colour to your prints without making another block. Using Chine Collé you are able to print on much finer,more delicate papers which are bonded onto a more sturdy paper during the printing process. Japanese papers are often used but you can try tissue papers,maps, sheet music, even fabric – anything delicate enough to be printed onto.

Chine-collé roughly translates from French as “chine”= tissue, and “collé” = glue or paste. The word chine is used because the thin paper traditionally used was imported to Europe from China, India and Japan.

This workshop is part of our MiniPrint Wales Project.

We aim to raise the profile of printmaking in Wales, and showcase the work of emerging and professional printmakers.

Funded by the Arts Council of Wales, our project will help develop the skills and expertise of amateur and professional printmakers, and introduce printmaking to new audiences through exceptional learning opportunities.

The programme will focus on the creation of mini prints, contained within a square area of 10cm x 10cm on a paper size measuring 18cm x 18cm.

Participants will have an opportunity to submit their work for exhibition at Mission Gallery, Swansea in October 2023, and all selected work will be published in a bilingual exhibition catalogue.


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