We hope you will enjoy browsing SPW’s rich history in this Archive section. 

Since SPW was founded in 1998, we are proud to have showcased hundreds of prints and drawings locally, nationally and internationally, and more recently through our dedicated digital exhibition space

We have delivered impactful and interesting projects which have benefited artists of all levels, community groups, young people and the local economy.

And, we couldn’t have done it without the support of many: the public funding bodies who have recognized the value of our aims, our members, project teams and volunteers whose generosity and enthusiasm has underpinned, influenced and expanded what we do; and those who have shared their passion, practice and expertise with us.

And very much not least, all the artists and participants who have made such amazing creative work that we are delighted to show to you.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our Archives. 

Completed Projects: here we showcase our past projects. Each of them was carefully designed to enhance our facilities and the services we offer – from building expertise, to connecting to others, to sharing our passion for printmaking.

Exhibition Archive: here we showcase a selection of exhibitions and work that we have hosted and facilitated. And don’t forget to visit our digital exhibition space – Swansea Printmakers – which showcases new and newly curated work too.

Publications & Catalogues: project publications and exhibition catalogues are an important part of what we do. We showcase a selection here.

Please visit About Us for more about our history and our Mission Statement for the aims of the organisation.

Swansea Print Workshop is registered as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee (Companies House No. 4078671). All profits are reinvested in the studio and our activities.