David La Grange | Introduction to Etching


Sunday February 27 | 2022

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Sunday February 27 | 2022 | 10.30 – 4.30 | Maximum 6 places

Etching is a traditional medium dating back to the 1500s, artists like Rembrandt, Durer and Goya worked in the medium, and current artists like Norman Ackroyd and Jason Hicklin continue the line.

The workshop offers an opportunity to acquaint participants with this fascinating medium. It will be a basic introduction for those who have not done etching before, or for those who have done etching in the past and want to  re-visit the technique, which has undergone many changes in the chemistry used in the last twenty years. It will also provide a good grounding to Andrew Baldwins’s two day intensive etching course.

This course will concentrate principally on copper, plate preparation, laying a ground, biting the plate and printing. We will explore various mark-making techniques, laying aquatint with an airbrush.

Etching is time consuming and complex, the process goes through numerous stages all of which impact on the final image. Participants are encouraged to do some research on the medium, and to come to the course with a few ideas about what they would like to produce. Bear in mind both the opportunities and limitations of the medium.


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