After achieving a Science degree and PGTC at Goldsmith’s College, London I taught in various secondary schools for several years before taking up posts in industry.

My interest in art was kindled when I had to make detailed drawings of flora and fauna in my Science studies at Uni and was rekindled when I came to live in Swansea where I spent 3 years in the Architectural Stained Glass department. Afterwards I returned to education but kept up with my art and design exhibiting in and around Wales.

I joined Swansea Print Workshop on retirement where I became interested in some of the printing techniques available utilising the many paintings and drawings in my sketchpad and Ipad while walking and observing Gower. Being a member of Swansea Print Workshop and attending some of the courses it offers has broadened my outlook on art and I like to think has strengthened my content and design.

I am a keen environmentalist and continue to research the toxicity of artists’ materials on the natural environment.

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