Judith Stroud

Judith Stroud was born in England and her early years were spent in Africa. She returned to Britain, completing a Fine Art degree at the West of England College of Art, Bristol, in 1967.

She moved to Wales in 1971 and pursued a career in teaching art. After retiring from this, she was able to develop her own work full-time.

She is a director of Swansea Print Workshop and has exhibited widely in national and international exhibitions.

Artist Statement
Printmaking provides both an inspiration and a means of expression. For me, each different process offers a new approach to my subject matter and can lead to many contrasts and changes in scale.

My continuing interest in collagraph using organic materials has recently included areas of blind embossing. These are created by the use of photopolymer plates which are made for letterpress. The embossed images made this way are quite three-dimensional and seem a bit like tiny bas-relief sculptures.

Living in Wales, the landscape has had a profound effect and is a never-ending source of artistic nourishment. Other recurring themes in my work include still life and the wildflowers and herbs of Wales. I also enjoy working with texts and the challenge of developing images which resonate with the mood and atmosphere of the writing, rather than merely illustrate.


