Since the very earliest days of SPW, we have welcomed working with partners. Not only with organisations that are within the visual arts and those from the wider creative industries but we also love to collaborate with others from the community – individuals, institutions, organisations and businesses.

Printmaking, being such an accessible artform, is ideal for working with a wide range of participants.

It is a fantastic medium to use creatively to achieve diverse aims: for connecting communities, enhancing well-being, enriching learning, reaching new audiences and more.

Of course, we also benefit hugely from our partnership-working experiences – these bring fresh energy and innovation; and new skills and learning to our organisation and the artists involved.

Often these partnerships are brought about through funded projects, either as part of the initial project concept or through the organic growth of a project: we are always open to ideas and have the experience to see the possibilities of new connections and opportunities.

And, of course, partnerships happen through us talking to others, sharing our passion for printmaking and showing the benefits that working with us can bring.

We would love to hear from you If you would like to discuss partnership-working with us. Please contact us by email in the first instance.

Current partnership working

With support from the Arts Council of Wales, Swansea Print Workshop has partnered with Small Woods / Coed Lleol to widen art experiences outdoors to a more diverse audience. Read more here.