The process involves mixing two chemicals to produce a light-sensitive solution. This is then used to coat paper, wood or textiles. A negative or an object can be used to create a photographic image when exposed to sunlight or an ultraviolet light source.
SPW has all the facilities for making cyanotypes

A wide range of found objects can be used exploiting texture and

Recommended books
Blueprint to Cyanotypes: Malin Fabbri and Gary Fabbri
Malin Fabbri, 2006
ISBN-13 978-1-4116-9838-3
If you are interested in alternative photography cyanotype is the easiest place to start. This excellent book gives clear and well illustrated step-by-step instructions. Available from
Alternative Photography: Art and Artists Edition 1 by Malin Fabbri
Malin Fabbri, 2006
A good companion volume to Blueprint to Cyanotypes, this book explores the work of artists and photographers from around the world who choose to work in alternative or antique photographic techniques.