The following lists the equipment available for the printmaking techniques and processes supported in the Studio. For information about our Presses, go to Presses & Equipment 1.
Screens for hire
We have two main screen sizes for hire on a daily basis. If you intend to do a lot of screen printing it is worth getting your own screens so that you can leave images on them for as long as you like.
If you are using studio screens you pay for each day that your image remains on the screen. You will be expected to clean the image off. We retain the right to charge a fee if you do not do this.
The hire fee of a screen, using photo emulsion, includes the cost of all the cleaning materials needed to completely clean the image off.

A3 Scanner
High quality scanner which we use for scanning artwork particularly for publishing on websites and for printing. This is connected to a desktop computer with Windows 10 and the internet. Free to use when you are in a studio session. There are notes available which provide some guidance as to the range of quality needed for different outcomes.

A3 Black & White photocopier
Both desktop computers in the drawing room are connected to the photocopier. If you have items on a memory stick you can print to the copier in black and white only, either to paper or to acetate.
You can also copy direct to acetate for screenprint and cyanotype transparencies.
PLEASE NOTE | Please only use our acetate in the copier. Some makes will melt in the machine and cause expensive damage.
Please enter the job count number before you start copying. [ details on the copier] and the final number when you finish, to calculate your fee to pay.
A2 Rotrim Guillotine
This will cut several pieces of paper at once and some thin card.