Welcome to the Swansea Print Workshop’s Members’ Area

Members are the lifeblood of our organisation – membership fees are our main – and vital – source of income. And our artist-members generate the creative energy and spirit that makes SPW what it is – a thriving, friendly arts organisation in the heart of Swansea.
As a member, through our Open Access studio, we offer access to resources, equipment and facilities for all levels of printmakers – from beginners to professional artists.
Your membership also includes a number of benefits – related to the membership level you have – which include eligibility to exhibit and sell your work, discounted fees for workshops and other activities as well as opportunities to take part in one-off events and projects.
All our members are kept up to date through our newsletters (unless you opt out) and you can take a look at current and previous newsletters on our Members’ Newsletter page.
In the Members’ Area, you can find lots of useful information, advice and opportunities.
Members’ Noticeboard: the place to get up-to-date information on the Studio – such as any changes to Open Access times and contact details, and opportunities such as Members’ days and opportunities to exhibit.
Membership Benefits: choose the membership level which is right for you, find out about all your membership benefits including our Members’ Group Print days.
Your Open Access: information on studio inductions, how to book an OA session and tips on making the most of your studio time.
About the Studio: useful information on the Library resource, parking, playing your part and dropping into the Studio.
Exhibiting and selling work: advice and information on how you can exhibit and sell work with SPW.
Your Creative Practice: information on how to develop your practice with SPW, advice on editioning and a quick guide to print processes.
Presses & equipment 1: details on all SPW presses including bed size.
Presses & equipment 2: details on auxiliary equipment such as scanners, photocopier etc.
Materials and services: details on materials, papers and substrates, services and publications for sale.
FAQ: a quick reference to commonly asked questions.
Keeping in touch: a one-stop page for how best to get and keep in touch with us!