Design Opportunity for SPW Members
We have a unique opportunity for members to submit a design which will be fabricated in glass.
We need a screen in front of the admin desk and we have a large piece of glass ready to erect in place.
The reason for this is to create a space where members can sit and use the library. We have a great collection of books and it is worth noting that if you just want to come in and browse through the books, as members you can do this freely on open access sessions without having to pay for a session.
Please note, you would still have to book in as normal.
It is also an opportunity to look through our notes for the various techniques we have run workshops on and you can photocopy any material you would find useful for personal use.
It is a good idea to keep sets of notes for processes you re-visit, after not using them for a period of time, to support independent work in the studio, as open access sessions are not teaching sessions.

Working with Rodney Bender of Innovative Glass, we have the opportunity to put a design on the glass. Glass is an extraordinary material to work with. It can have architectural strength and yet be almost invisible which allows us to play with changing light and varying tonalities and blends of colour.
Rod has extensive knowledge of properties of glass and uses some of the techniques we are familiar with in printmaking. In fact he etched some glass plates and printed them through our large etching press.
One process uses a sandblasting technique | Essentially the glass can be blasted with fine particles which will render it semi-transparent and can be adjusted tonally. It has similar properties to aquatint. For this a stencil is made to protect the clear areas of glass, which can also be added sequentially as we apply stop-out to etching plates.
We can also screenprint ‘decals’ which can be transferred to glass which also allows us to incorporate a colour element.
Rod will come to studio to talk about these processes in more detail.

The Brief
Subject matter
We are willing to consider any subject matter, but it would be good to have a connection with the workshop and printmaking.
It could also be a ‘collective’ with several people submitting elements around a theme as we do with our group prints.
Text /letterpress | Any text could be generated digitally or printed using our letterpress and scanned.

The design
Black and white and in sufficient detail to be blown up to full size which is 1500 x 1500mm
The design would be scanned and any stencils needed would be laser cut
The lower half will be seen against the desk, this will have an impact on the design and should be taken into consideration
If possible, there would need to be some visibility through the design at eye level for anyone standing behind the glass to be able to see the corridor
Initially we would like to know if you are interested in the project by sending us an email by 24 June 2024.
You could be part of any meetings with Rod when we would look at the different methods of interpreting any design. You could also be invited to his studio to see these processes at work.
The deadline for submitting your ideas is 12 July 2024. There will be time after this to produce the finished artwork necessary for the chosen process.
Selection will be by the Directors
The successful designer will receive a £70 voucher which can be used for anything the studio has to offer, studio time, materials or a one day workshop of choice