Five local artists were invited to work with Sameera Khan, Studio Manager to develop an aspect of printmaking new to them.

Printmaking, although accepted as a medium in the practice of the Fine Arts, is often neglected by artists after leaving college due to lack of specialist facilities needed.
The artists were the first to benefit from Sameera Khan’s professional support in her role as Studio Manager, a development project which was funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation between 2004 and 2007.
Each artist was supported to produce a limited edition of a print, one of each print was included in a print auction as part of SPW’s fundraising in 2004.
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Nikki Cass | Nick Holly | Glenys Cour | Lynne Bebb | George Little
Working with Sameera was lovely. Her enthusiasm and creativity are infectious. Thanks to Sameera’s skill and gentle encouragement, I plan to give printmaking a more important role in my future work.
Lynne Bebb: Sculptor
Working on this edition of collagraph prints with Sameera Khan at Swansea Print Workshop has opened up new and exciting possibilities and perspectives for me. I sense that the experience will bring new energy to my glass work. I feel excited at the results and plan to explore further.
Nikki Cass: Architectural Glass Artist

Having so little experience of printmaking I found working with Sameera inspirational. She guided my steps with delicacy, suggesting with authority from her obvious knowledge of printmaking without overwhelming my own design ideas. I can’t wait to work with her again.
Glenys Cour: Painter

This project took place in 2004 and was made possible by funding under the Studio Manager role from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.