As a small business we believe that our expertise and experience has a wider relevance than just the art form we promote. We offered thirty-two young people free training and insight in Arts Practice and Arts in Business and raised awareness of the experiences and rewards volunteering can offer. In addition we established a framework specifically designed for young volunteers at SPW.
Our Young People’s Volunteering programme offered young people aged between 16 and 25 a closer look inside our organisation as a small, friendly artists’ studio specialising in Printmaking. The programme of workshops was based around Arts Practice and Arts in Business with an emphasis on employability. We recruited 32 young people over the length of the project. All participants were given an informal interview where we established what each individual hoped to get out of the experience. During the introductory sessions we helped each participant select the combination of workshops which would be most beneficial to them taking into consideration their future ambitions and current situation (i.e.: whether they were in education, unemployed or self-employed.)

The programme of workshops centred around actual activities and events taking place at SPW, giving participants real experience of a wide range of both printmaking practice and the business elements which support an arts organisation. Each participant completed compulsory sessions as well as workshops of their choice and received a certificate of completion for their records.
The compulsory sessions included an induction in business practices, Health & Safety and our environmental policy as well as sessions in writing a CV and artist statements. The Arts in Business training included sessions in event management, marketing and publicity, writing grant applications, website development and administration linked to events such as exhibitions, workshops and artist’s talks.
Participants taking part in the Arts Practice training were offered training in techniques including cyanotype, collagraph and photo screenprinting to produce original artwork within a professional environment. They also gained an understanding of what is required to set up and run successful workshops for a wide client group.
All participants were given a year’s membership to encourage them to remain connected to the Workshop once they had completed their experience in the hope that they would continue their arts practice and take up any current and future volunteering opportunities within the organisation.
The organisation benefited from new ideas and perspectives contributed by the young participants which continues to impact on our business strategy and aims today. Through the project we established a solid framework for volunteers within this age group and produced a set of training modules which remain appropriate not only to young volunteers but to a wider audience. As a direct result of the successful outcomes, we were able to offer a further opportunity for young people in our Young Volunteers Community Arts project in 2010-2011.
‘It has been really helpful in terms of the information and advice given for getting a job in the arts- whether in a business or self-employed. Seeing how the business is run, what considerations have to be made, what tasks to be done and then having the opportunity to carry certain tasks out has been a great insight’.
Lianne Trendell, Internship Programme November 2008
‘I have gained practical experience of 3 different print techniques (for the first time)… I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of printmaking. Thank you so much for the opportunity’
Luke Bolch, Internship Programme November 2008
Prosiect i Wirfoddolwyr Ifanc | 2008-2009 | Comisiwn Russell
Fel menter fusnes fach, credwn fod mwy o berthnasedd i’r wybodaeth arbenigol a’r profiad sy gennym na dim ond y math o gelfyddyd a hybir. Cynigiwyd hyfforddiant yn rhad ac am ddim I dri deg o bobl ifanc a rhoddwyd cipolwg iddynt o’r Celfyddydau mewn Busnes ac Ymarferion y Celfyddydau gan godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r profiadau a’r manteision a geir wrth wirfoddoli. Yn ogystal â hyn, sefydlon ni fframwaith a gynlluniwyd yn arbennig ar gyfer gwirfoddolwyr GAA.
This project took place in 2008-2009 and was made possible through Russell Commission funding.
We acknowledge support by the Welsh Assembly, the Arts Council of Wales, and Wales Council for Voluntary Action.