A consolidation project designed to bring together all the technical and process expertise we had accrued over the previous years into a coherent and accessible form. This is fundamental to our ambition to be, and remain, a centre of excellence in printmaking. It formalized existing work practices and print processes for studio users as well as those in a training and supervisory capacity.

Our most valuable resource lies in the skills, experience and expertise of our membership and freelance staff. This project allowed us to review that resource, consolidate and capitalize on it. Experienced printmaker and studio technician, Bill Chambers, was appointed to the 12-month consultancy post to coordinate and deliver three key objectives: to produce comprehensive technical material for all users, to review and update a reference guide for studio use and to make this information accessible as widely as possible.

Bill Chambers reviewed, researched and produced comprehensive, illustrated technical and instructional notes for the key printmaking processes of Screenprinting, Intaglio, Monotype, Relief Printing and Photographic techniques. In addition, he produced an orientation guide for the studio and an Outreach and INSET pack. Emphasis for all these publications was on Health and Safety, best practice, our non-toxic ethos and environmental policies.
Although the documents have been updated and added to over the following years, the publications are still in use today, forming the basis of our studio practice, in-house and Outreach training provision. They have been a vital resource for artists wanting to work self-sufficiently in the studio and it supports our volunteer printmakers in their responsibilities for Open Access supervision.
One of the most important outcomes of this project has been our on-going ability to deliver consistent, high quality training in printmaking and to offer a good experience to all users of the studio facilities and services. With this solid foundation we continue to build strategically on the breadth of our provision as a hub of expertise so that we remain relevant to printmaking today.

Bill Chambers developing workshop manual
Cydlynnu Gwybodaeth ac Adnoddau | 2007 | Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru
Cynlluniwyd y prosiect atgyfnerthol hwn er mwyn i ni grynhoi’r holl wybodaeth dechnegol a’r holl wybodaeth am brosesau a gasglwyd dros y blynyddoedd. Ein nôd oedd i wneud hyn mewn dull trefnus a fyddai’n hawdd i bawb mynd ato. Rhagori fel canolfan argraffu a pharhau i ragori fel canolfan argraffu yw ein prif fwriad. Safonwyd y prosesau argraffu a’r dulliau o weithio i’r hyfforddwyr a’r cyfarwyddwyr a’r pobl sy’n defnyddio’r stiwdio.
This project took place in 2007 and was made possible with funding through The Arts Council of Wales.