Great three days in the workshop with visiting artist Kelly Stewart, down from Edinburgh Printmakers.
Day 1 was a particularly useful day for everyone who enjoys direct drawing and mark-making. We made test prints from a wide variety of drawing materials on different substrates and with a range of exposures times on the Graphoscreen exposure unit.

The most successful examples have all been printed onto Somerset paper as this is the most popular and useful paper we stock for screen printing. It has been exceptionally useful to find the materials that work the best AND with a range of exposures we have never used before – down as low as 30 seconds.
The results have all been put in a portfolio you can have direct access to for reference purposes.
It is worth noting that there isn’t a ‘one exposure time fits all’ that we can give you. But if you look through the examples and find something close to your own work, you should have more success.
Please note that if you using a photographic image and want to put it onto a transparency for screen print, please bring it in on a MEMORY STICK /CARD READER as the quickest way to get it on the photocopier. There is no direct wifi to the copier machine.
We do have the basic Photoshop on the computer in studio, but the machine is slow so if you can do any processing at home before you come in and put any version on a memory stick, it will be so much quicker.