Sunday April 23 | 2023

Off to a great start with visiting artist Mark Pavey learning the typographical basics of setting up and printing our antique wooden letterforms. We are still sourcing and building up equipment around our collection but it was a great start to find so much of the type printing well.
This workshop was a basic introduction to setting up type and the press to get the best results. Working with our antique Colombian press built in 1853 and still going strong.
Coming up in May | MiniPrint workshop with Mark Pavey
A chance to be part of our MinPrint project, funded by the Arts Council of Wales, we aim to help raise the profile of printmaking by scheduling workshops for complete beginners, emerging and professional printmakers between April and September 2023.
The programme will focus on the creation of small original prints contained within a square area of 10cm x 10cm on a paper size measuring 18cm x 18cm.
A selection of the work will be exhibited at Mission Gallery, Swansea from 30th September to 28th October 2023. A bilingual catalogue will accompany the exhibition.
We will be scheduling more letter press workshops later in the year