Fiona Kelly | 'Palace Theatre, Swansea' | linocut 50x 40cm
Fiona Kelly | ‘Palace Theatre, Swansea’ | linocut 50x 40cm

EXHIBITION | Saturday and Sunday | November 26 and 27

PREVIEW | Friday November 25 | 6 – 8pm | Members preview and a chance to meet the directors and find out about workshops and have your say about the future of the workshop

THE EXHIBITION | This is a chance to put your work on view and make some sales. We try and do this twice a year and you can bring anything you have to sell, prints, drawings, cards, booklets and any other artifacts.

We can also feature the work on the website if you have a small edition.

Prints can be framed or unframed

Framed | make sure all the details are on the back


Unframed |Prints must be protected by cellophane and have a window mount OR have a piece of board to  protect the back

Cards must be in cellophane packs with a price label.

We will be open to the public on this weekend from 10.00 to 4.30

Work can be brought to the studio on Tuesday November 22 and Thursday 24 10.30 -1.00

THE PREVIEW | A chance to meet other artists and the volunteers who run the workshop. Have your say about what you want from your membership … supported by some drinks and nibbles

We rely on volunteers to run the workshop and share out the work between us. If you have an hour to spare on either Nov 26 or 27 to do an hours supervision of the exhibition/ help with visitors, please let me know at