A tailor-made programme of printmaking workshops and activities is being created around each of our Award Winners in 2024.

Here you can read Wanesa’s profile with her initial thoughts on being a Winner of the Rosy Ind Award and about her experiences and progress as she takes part in the bursary programme.

A summary of the Bursary programme for both our Winners can be found here. This will be updated throughout the year.

Letterpress with Mark Pavey

Working in Letterpress technique with Mark Pavey

Wanesa first used Letterpress at SPW for the MiniPrint 2023 project and enjoyed revisiting a technique she was familiar with.

She found working collaboratively an interesting experience and appreciated having the opportunity to learn and use our magnificent Columbian press.

Working in Letterpress technique with Mark Pavey

Three colour monotype with Rose Davies

Wanesa really enjoyed the painterly side of this technique, particularly using tools such as brushes to give texture to the artwork which contrasted with other techniques where she has worked in blocks of layered colours.

I really enjoyed this more ‘free’ form of printmaking, and having to think of how the three colours would affect each other was really stimulating.

Working with Rose Davies on the three colour monotype technique

Screenprinting with Sarah Hopkins

Wanesa worked on SPW’s large screeprinting press – a new experience for her. She enjoyed learning a different approach – working from dark to light

It was relearning something I already knew with a new twist

Working with Sarah Hopkins on multi layered colour screenprint technique using cut paper stencils

Wanesa’s profile:

I am really excited about where this will take me

Wanesa Kazmierowska

Wanesa is currently studying Art and Design at Gower College, Swansea and pursuing an Art History A-level remotely through AHLU (Courtauld Institute of Art).

Wanesa’s first real experience in printmaking was during her Fine Art A-level at Gorseinon where she gained some experience with monoprinting, lino printing, and drypoint techniques. More recently, she attended printmaking workshops at the Glynn Vivian, working in etching using recycled everyday items and screenprinting onto fabric. She also participated in SPW’s MiniPrint Wales Project and her letterpress piece was selected for the project exhibition at the Mission Gallery.

The history of printmaking is of particular interest to Wanesa and she is also intrigued to learn more about the editioning process. She is looking forward to learning and experimenting with the etching process in a contemporary way and, with her interest in illustration, linocut is another technique that also appeals.

The organic forms of people and animals are the subject areas Wanesa most enjoys working in.

Wanesa is looking forward to being able to “immerse myself in the medium of printmaking” in a studio environment where she will have the opportunity to use specialist equipment and materials. She feels learning from, and working alongside, other experienced artists who share a passion for printmaking will greatly advance her knowledge and skills in this art form and provide insight into the real world of printing.

Wanesa sees the Rosy Ind Award as the opportunity to find new ways to express her art and to progress artistically.

She plans to enrich her work for her current Art and Design course with the prints she creates through the bursary and to build her art portfolio going forwards to university and beyond.